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Put the Nationals First? Has Barilaro done what the Nats should have done two years ago ?

26 January 2017 Last Friday, welcome news came through that the Nationals, under new leader and Deputy Premier of NSW, John Barilaro, had decided to get tough with the NSW Liberals – calling off support for forced council mergers. Declaring 12 regional councils (including Cabonne, Blayney and Orange) would not be forced into merging – the tough new Deputy Premier from the equally tough Monaro region suggested that when parliament returns this year the Nationals change of mind regarding council…

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Bank Street Goss

Michael and Cheryn Johnson and their team at Sweetness Your Lolly Shop/Molong Gelato have been working hard for months now to create their next enterprise in the old wool store…

No merger before 22 February

Cabonne Council has been informed by its senior legal counsel that the Minister for Local Government Paul Toole will not make any proclamation on a merger between Caboone, Orange and…

Maybe next year’s reshuffle?

NSW Government’s Deputy Premier and Nationals leader, John Barilaro came to Molong and talked with Cabonne Council and ANTY regarding the reasons why ‘forced amalgamation’ of Cabonne with Orange City…