Our Cabonne Council staff were hard at it this week shaking those darn seed pods off the Liquidamba trees in Bank Street. What a great idea! The pods have presented nothing but trip hazards and blocked drains for years.

What’s new @ the Molong Express

A message from the publisher of the Molong Express, Paul Mullins. Readers will notice that the Molong Express appears to be thinner. True, that’s because in re-evaluating Molong and District’s…

Now’s the time to get it right

It seems to be an ongoing historical tradition in Molong for the continuing dilemma over use of the site along Euchareena Road known as the combined Molong Golf Club/Molong Showground…

2020 Molong Show off

The Molong Show Society at a general committee meeting on 6 July accepted the reality that they cannot run a successful Show in 2020 and reluctantly made a decision to…

Ground Master Plans go public

Cabonne Council will place the three draft Molong Recreational Ground Master Plans on 28 day exhibition seeking further public feedback. Council has collaborated with the Molong Advancement Group in the…

Getting Molong back on the tracks

Molong cannot afford to sit back and miss out on an opportunity created by the NSW Government to restore passenger train services to country areas. The opportunity? In 2019 the…

Solar generators proposed

Cabonne Council on Tuesday adopted an historic Renewable Energy Action Plan (REAP). Consultants Constructive Energy prepared the comprehensive plan at the request of Council which was presented in March. The…

Your ideas wanted

What should go in one of the most famous windows in Molong? As part of their committment to Molong and their hardware store on the corner of Bank Street –…