“Yarn Bombing” reaches Molong

Yarn bombing (or yarnbombing) is a type of graffiti or street art that employs colourful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn or fibre rather than paint or chalk. It is also called yarn storming, guerrilla knitting, kniffiti, urban knitting, or graffiti knitting. Yarn bombing is a great way to draw attention to something that otherwise goes unnoticed, like a tree, a statue, or random street post. In Australia, the historical gold mining town of Walhalla has held a national campaign…

More at stake than a new library

There is more at stake than a new library / learning centre and hall with the announced proposal. The current location of the small library at the railway station has…

Coloured buildings in Bank St

The unfinished paint job on the “Blue Building” in Bank Street continues to prompt readers reactions – including many who think we should be more colourful. Bob Burgess sent in this photo of the former Orange…

Our dying creek

Yes, we know. We are in the middle of a record drought – and Molong Creek often runs pretty dry. It wasn’t always like this, and when can you remember when Molong…